© Copyright 2019 - All Rights Reserved /// ACME Lakes Service, LLC
ACME Lakes Service, LLC organized in 2019
The name ACME is instantly recognizable to most individuals from many sources (not the
least of which has been Warner Brothers series of various cartoons). Also it easy to remember
and represented by the Greek word meaning pinnacle or the best.
Brief fun history of the ACME name.
The ACME acronym is short for “American Company Making Everthing”.
Acme (Greek translation) means "Peak, Pinnacle, or Summit", so the name was sometimes used
to symbolize the best. An early global Acme brand name was the 'Acme City' whistle made from
mid 1870s onwards by J Hudson & Co, followed by the 'Acme Thunderer', and Acme Siren in
1895. The name became particularly popular for businesses in the 1920s, when alphabetized
business telephone directories such as the Yellow Pages began to be widespread: a name at the
beginning of the alphabet would be listed first, and a name implying "the best" was even better.
There was a flood of businesses named Acme; some survive to this day, including Acme Brick,
Acme Markets, and Acme Boots. Early Sears catalogues contained a number of products with
the "Acme" trademark, including anvils, which are frequently used in Warner Bros.
cartoons.[1][Source Wikipedia].
1. E.O. Costello. "ACME". The Warner Brothers Cartoon Companion. Archived from the original
on 2011-07-12.
ACME Brewing Company 1907-1954
(A little ACME snipet from the past associated
with my favorite beverage)
Sear catalogue advertisement